Investor Fact Sheet



Carawine Resources Limited (ASX:CWX)

Business Description:

Carawine Resources is a mineral exploration company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Our primary focus is to explore for, and ultimately develop, economic gold, copper and base metal deposits within Australia. The Company has five gold, copper and base metal exploration projects, each targeting high value deposits in highly prospective, active mineral provinces throughout Australia.

Carawine's major shareholder QGold Pty Ltd (ACN 149 659 950) holds a 90.61% interest in the Company (at 20 November 2023). 


As an exploration company, Carawine’s objective is to create value for its shareholders and other stakeholders through sustainable and technically excellent exploration, discovery and development of mineral deposits.

The Company’s strategy is to target mineral deposit styles associated with gold, gold-copper and gold-base metals systems because they typically develop high value, high margin operations.

Carawine will dedicate its resources to achieving its objective through effective evaluation and testing of targets, leading to the definition of JORC compliant mineral resources across multiple project areas where appropriate. A balanced portfolio of exploration assets will be maintained across stages in the exploration cycle from greenfields to advanced, ensuring a project pipeline that is optimised for success.

Shares on Issue:

236,125,449 fully paid ordinary shares

Issued unlisted options

5,250,000 Options (average exercise price of $0.49)



Managing Director:

Mr David Boyd

Board of Directors:

Mr Paul Whimp - Non-Executive Chairman
Mr David Boyd - Managing Director
Mr Martin Lackner - Non-Executive Director
Mr Sam Smart - Non-Executive Director

Company Secretary:

Mr Martin Lackner

Registered Office:

L1/18 Kings Park Road
West Perth WA 6005

PO Box 543
West Perth WA 6872


+61 8 9209 2703



Share Registry:

Link Market Services Limited
Level 12, QV1 Building
250 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000


HLB Mann Judd
Level 4, 130 Stirling Street
Perth WA 6000


Steinepreis Paganin
Level 14, QV1 Building
250 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000

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